Thursday, August 29, 2019

Management report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Management report - Essay Example The information derived will thus be used by the company to formulate its marketing strategy to enter the developing markets. The company has decided to cater to the need of a specific customer target (niche market) as this will assist in entering and penetrating that particular market. First and foremost task of Connection will be to envisage its corporate goal and this will later on be segregated into SMART objectives which will have to be achieved within the predetermined time period. Later on, the marketing strategies will be developed to achieve the corporate goal. The management of the company will then formulate a development plan to decide the manner in which the marketing process will be conducted in the target market. Operation plan will then be framed to decide the marketing activities. This will be followed by the cost related activities after which the marketing budget of the company will be finalised. Connection is a company that plans to operate in the mobile manufacturing sector. Though UK is its country of origin, it is more focussed on the developing markets. A proper understanding of the needs and demands of the target customer base is thereby required so that the product range can be modified accordingly. The mission statement is framed in alignment with its vision. According to it, the company will produce such handsets that possess high economic value. The technology used in such handsets will be of international level. The company will ensure that quality is not compromised at any cost and that the products are friendly and easy to operate. Connection strongly believes that environment is one of the vital stakeholders in the company; hence the products and the technology used by Connection will be environment friendly. The mission statement of the company is also focused in developing an organisational culture where the employees will feel themselves to be an integral part of the

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